
 a film by Martine Ulmer, Brigae Haelg and Basil Vogt, DCP, 1 min 4 sec, 1:1,85, Dolby Digital, CH 2018

 Swiss german dialect / French & English subtitles 


> Still pict 1, 2, 3

> Film poster

> Team portrait

> Filmdatas

 > Credits 

Synopsis (english / deutsch / français):

En: Uwaga, the stone age girl, picks flowers while running and is followed from

 something big! Suddenly her mobile phone rings…

De: Uwaga, das Steinzeitmädchen, rennt, pflückt Blumen und wird dabei von etwas Grossem verfolgt! Plötzlich klingelt ihr Mobile …

Fr: Uwaga, la fille de l’âge de la pierre, court en cueillant des fleurs et elle est suivie par quelque chose de gros! Soudain, son portable sonne…


 70 Swiss artists teamed up to create an animated omnibus film to honor 'Swiss animation' for their 50th anniversary. UWAGA is our part.

Festivals & single screenings

May 2019 Mammoth Lake Film Festival

Sept 2019 Fantoche Baden CH

First screening with the 50:50 omnibus movie >

Oct 2018 Animatou Geneva 

Drehbuch/script: Basil Vogt

 Storyboard: Brigae Haelg>

 Charakterdesign: Martine Ulmer >

Animation: Brigae Haelg, Martine Ulmer, Basil Vogt

 Musik & Sounddesign: Hipp Mathis>

 Stimme / voice: Nele Scharnberg

 Soundmix: Thomas Gassmann

 Support: 5050.film >

swiss animation>

 Financial support: SRG SSR, Migros kulturprozent